The Brilliance of Abstract Thinking (Conceptual and Analytical)

Understanding Abstract Thinkers (Conceptual + Analytical)

The motto for Abstract Thinkers says it best:

I see the forest and want others to count the trees.

If you're an Abstract Thinker, you're probably saying "Yes!" to that idea.
If you're not an Abstract Thinker, you might be rolling your eyes right now!

These thinking preferences might seem to be at odds with one another. How can an intuitive vision about ideas survive combined with data? Well, that's the power of this combination! When these preferences are present, individuals have the unique ability to easily problem solve with a big picture view.

So, how do you work better with someone who has these preferences?

  • Skip the details and stay focused on the high-level (think: bullet points)

  • Leave time for questions and tangents as they arise

  • Honor their experiences and ideas with openness and curiosity

  • Ask open-ended questions to allow their mind to explore and evaluate the possibilities

  • Change things up with graphs and imagery if you are presenting information

  • Have some data points from a credible source to back up your thoughts

  • Invite fun and humor into the conversation – it’s not all about data and reasoning!

The team at Emergenetics International wrote a great blog on this topic. Check it out here!

Here's an example of Abstract Thinking in action

If you're an Abstract Thinker, consider how you can leverage your imaginative and data-driven approach to support your team. Can you help brainstorm a solution to a problem? Can you connect the dots on some big ideas?

Let that brilliance shine!