Building Your Best Possible Relationship (at work and at home)

Looking for an easy, high-impact way to work on your leadership skills this summer?


Emergenetics is a strong foundation to build your relationships at work and at home.
This book helps you take that work up a level!

After learning about Emergenetics, I often get asked "Now what?" and "How do I apply this even more?" Going forward, this book is going to be my answer to those questions!

This is an actionable, easy-to-read, easy-to-apply text about building your "Best Possible Relationship" that integrates easily with what you already know from Emergenetics.  Whether you are an experienced leader or brand new leader, the tips in this book will help you strengthen your relationship skills.

I was totally energized while reading it -- and thought you might be too!

Ten things this book will teach you

1  How critical your working relationships are to your success and happiness.

2  Why safe, vital, and repairable are the hallmarks of a flourishing and resilient working relationship.

3  The unexpected focus of a Keystone Conversation (this is what makes it work so well).

4  The Five Questions of the Keystone Conversation.

5  The one thing you need to do before any Keystone Conversation (and exactly how to prepare).

6  The exact words you can use to invite someone to a Keystone Conversation (this will make things easier for both of you).

7  How to finish a Keystone Conversation, so it ends strong and clear.

8  The six principles of maintenance, so things keep flourishing after the Keystone Conversation.

9  What to do with the "awkward" part of all of this. (You’re not the only one to think this might be awkward.)

10  Ten unique exercises to deepen your self-awareness, so you can bring your best to any working relationship.

No, I don't get a kickback for raving about this book - ha!

I know that the people who embrace Emergenetics tend to be on a journey for continuous improvement -- and I'm here to help in whatever way I can!

If you think this book would be useful for your team, I'm building a "book club" approach to how we actually implement these ideas and would love to help you!

Excited to hear about your Best Possible Relationship!